Have a look to my collection of vectorgraphic maps


GIS Consulting

My first practical experiences with GIS software I was getting in Colombia, in the CVC, where the existing numeric information in the databases should be transferred from Informix to Oracle. The applied GIS software was ArcInfo, but the data handling for the digitalization was done with AutoCAD, finishing the capturing activities transferring the results to ArcInfo

After finishing the basis geography where published different thematic maps using as first input the historical data of the CVC, elaborating manly water, soil and soil use maps. In special cases where used manual data capturing employing walkers to capture interesting facts in site, also for the basic geography where the satellite capture was not explicit.

The information system "Balance of production, ex- and import of sensible products", a dual usable system, developed under my specifications and control have had also a georeferenced result output, which was giving the information about the superposition of different results in the captured area. Exactly this capability was the advantage of this new information system.

An other example of the application of geographic software I have had in the Public Ministry - Attorney General in Peru, where I was working in the end of the 90th. The employed tool was MapInfo, which was by cost more effective. With this software was developed for the statistical office the province structure as map, usable directly in Excel (this solution is only applicable until Excel version 2000)

By side of this application for the daily work of the statistical department there was employed MapInfo for any other analytical investigations, so was defined the density of criminal offences in Lima to define the distribution of the district attorney offices in according manner, objective in the decentralizing process of the Public Ministry in the frame of the so called project "Attorney office model", which was implemented in the district of Callao.

An other georeferenced application was developed for RENADESPPLE and the Peruvian Navy, both based on MapInfo.


Report of criminal offence  
January until April 1998

In Germany I was working in the year 2002 as  freelancer for the Agrargenossenschaft Malchow with a GIS- system. The program was a proprietary solution from the hardware producer, but the general solution is the same as in the standard GIS software. New for my was the connection between the desktop software and the palm tops, doted with GPS, which are used for the data capturing as well to display a subset of results for the operative work. It was for mi a new experience to se the high technical level in the agriculture, or better I must say agriculture industry.

In Kabul, 2004, was one of the first tasks to fulfill our PISU team should support the survey of the Kabul Medium Voltage Network to prepare the planning of the reconstruction of the same. For this task we have bought the basic geography from Kabul from a third party and with the support from a group of afghan engineers was taken the data from all old lines, marking the existing part inside the maps. These hand marked raw data in the prints of the maps was transferred to AutoCad in a special layer of the map. In a similar form was captured the low voltage network of Kabul East.

According to our plans the contractor of the construction should give later the exact GPS coordinates of each element of the network, correcting so the existing information and setting the basis for a real GIS system application. The structure of the database was prepared and the execution is waiting until the assignation of the biddings.

The ownership of this GIS system should be shared between DABM - the state own energy utility from Afghanistan and the ministry.

The existing data which was captured under an extreme time stress to speed u the bidding process can be used as first information for this system.

 Additionally to this very work intensive project were prepared different thematic maps to support the planning and coordination works of the ministry. As example is shown here a map from the electrical schema of Afghanistan, differencing between existing and planned activities, the corresponding donor for the activity and the status of the corresponding project.

Similar maps were prepared for the water sector, the planned connection of the afghan network with the neighbour states, etc.

Major afghan Energy Projects

Additionally to these tasks I was working in the GIS support of other projects executed by short time consultants, supplying the corresponding basis information or in the preparation of the drawings which were giving the results in geographic form or as technical drawing.

In conclusion should mentioned that I have experiences in the following aspects:

  • Working with satellite and air photos to capture the basic geography using ArcCad, AutoCad or other specialized software,
  • Manual correction of these maps using manually captured data, especially in geographically difficult areas,
  • Elaboration of thematic maps with the results from specific analysis, so were done evaluations in the water, energy and environment area, but also in the justice, land and land use area,
  • Working with urban maps connected with databases with ArcInfo and MapInfo,
  • Elaboration of maps for the visualization of different complexity for public use,
  • Planning and conception of projects with geographical components and there realization in IT solutions, and in the capturing of the primary data.

For more extensive projects in this area I can count with the support of group of qualified staff from Asia.




Dr. Holger Frommert


Phone: ++49-39932-195-60