Country experience

This short animation is giving a short graphical over view about my professional development.


My professional life in Germany can by divided in four different hops, these are:

  • Childhood, studies and dissertation, working as teacher in the university,
  • From 1990 until 1993 working in the consulting enterprise Premium GmbH, mostly dealing with the Treuhand and private investors,
  • From 2001 until 2003 working as consulting freelancer, based in Malchow and
  • From 2012 till now - by familiarly reasons - death of my father and age of my mother - but still we are partially present in Alicante ...

Especially in the last both hops I was getting good and interesting contacts in Germany which can be also important for future tasks. In the years from 1990 until 1993 I was working with Premium GmbH, preparing the privatization of the former East-German state own enterprises. Giving the strong orientation of Premium to the interests of our clients, mostly big and middle West-German enterprises I have got a lot of good contacts to management of these enterprises.

In the years from 2001 until 2003 I was working manly for IT oriented enterprises in Berlin and the surrounding areas, but also in any small projects with foreign institutions manly from Peru. Mentionable in this content is the collaboration with the TechNet GmbH, for which I was preparing a project in the biometric area.

For me interesting was the first time I was working for the agriculture area, I was surprised about the modern technology in this area, especially the GPS-online evaluation of the harvest data, geo-referencing the results directly on the map, making all required evaluations, giving a set of data directly to the palm top of the chief of the corporation.

Currently I´m setting up a consulting enterprise for geo-referenced display of data, also offering all the process od data gethering, preparation and display, including the graphical design of the results in reports, presenta-tions like power point and in the web.

Additionally I´m still working for Incompass Ltd. as Senior member, mostly active in the preparation of consulting offers and the preparation of bidding documentation.





Dr. Holger Frommert

Phone: ++49-39932-195-60