
From 1994 until 1997 I was working after a 3 month course in the DSE Bad Honnef in Cali, Colombian, en the Corporación Regional Autónoma del Valle del Cauca - CVC.

The CVC was privatizing 1995 the energy sector, which was forming a own enterprise - EPSA. Until this moment the CVC was one of the biggest energy enterprises of Colombia. I was working until the separation in the energy sector, so I know the employees form EPSA very well.

On order of CIM I was staying in the CVC - environment part, which was incorporated as regional dependency into the new founded Ministry of Environment. The decision to stay in this part of the CVC was taken why the German Government could not subsidy a future private enterprise.

More contacts I have had with private sector enterprises, mostly in the IT- and Capacity Building area. Also there ware a strong contact to GTZ projects in Cali, like SENA, etc.

The contacts to the CVC are still active.





Dr. Holger Frommert

Phone: ++49-39932-195-60