West Africa -Golf of Guinea States -
Nigeria, Togo, Benin, Ghana, Ivory Coast and Cameroon
In 2016, I participated in a one-month
Maritime Safety Evaluation Mission in the West African
states of Nigeria, Benin, Togo, Ghana and Ivory Coast of
the Gulf of Guinea, which was mandated to create a
project definition. The Mission also visited the ICC
International Co-ordination Centre in Cameroon in
Yaoundé, in charge of the whole Gulf area and in Douala
the MRDC Coordination Unit for Zone D, which is the only
area to have its own permanent operational units in
Malabo represents, a prototype to other coordination
centres. The actual project area, however, were the
first named 5 states. I was responsible for the IT and
communication technology in this project.
In particular, the coast of Nigeria is a
major focus of international piracy, with approximately
80% of the security incidents recorded in 2015 in
Nigeria's national and international waters in face of
the country.
The adjacent map shows the zone
classification of the Gulf of Guinea and the states
assigned to these zones. The zones correspond to the
states between ECOWAS and ECCAS. Each of these zones has
a headquarter (MRCC) - mostly manned by naval and police
officers who are supposed to coordinate international
affairs and information manually. A central clearing
office is located in Yaoundé - Cameroon (ICC), but was
not activated at the time of the visit - only the
infrastructure was partially available.
The Zone E and the states Ghana and the
Ivory Coast - belonging to Zone F - were included in the
project. In these states, the executive offices and
responsible persons of all involved institutions and
selected enterprises were visited. These were beside the
respective navies the following:
National Security Adviser
- National Security Advisory Service
- National Security Agency (SSS)
- Economic and Financial Crime
Commission - EFCC
- Nigerian Maritime Administration and
Safety Agency - NIMASA
- Domestic Waterways Authority in the
Ministry of Transport - NIWA
- Port Authority Lagos
- Federal Court of Appeal
- Federal High Court
- Ministry of Justice - DPPF
- ENI Nigeria
- Bourbon Interoil Nigeria
- Julius Berger
- National Customs Service
- MRCC Douala
- Procureur de la Republique
- Ministère des Affaires étrangères
- Gendarmerie Maritime
- Gendarmerie
- MCC Zone E
- Parquet de Abomey Calavi
- Parquet de Allada
- Parquet de Cotonou
- Parquet de Porto Novo
- TPI Ouidah
- Haut Conseil pour la Mer -Juriste
- Préfecture Maritime
- Ministry of Agriculture
- Ministère Infrastructures and
- Port Authority Lomé
- TPI Lomé
- Ministry of Justice
- Tribunal de Lomé
- BACO Sarlu
- Expertise Maritime
- Expertise France
- Comité Interministeriel de Budget en
- Narcotics Control Board Ghana
- Regional Maritime University
- MTISC - today within IMO
- Presidence de la Republique
- Réunion du Conseil National de
Sécurité - CNS
- Cabinet Civil et Militaire
- Ministry of Transport
- Port Abidjan
- L'Institut de Sécurité Maritime
Interregional - ISMI - ARSTM
- Petro C2G
In addition to these national
departments and companies, the following international
institutions have been involved:
- EU delegations in the visited
- CIMIC - Comms Control
- Institute for Security Studies
In accordance with national bilateral
projects, the following messages were visited:
- Belgium
- Brazil
- Denmark
- Finland
- France
- Germany
- Ireland
- Italy
- Japan
- Netherlands
- Norway
- Poland
- South Korea
- Spain
- Turkey
- UK