From 2003 until 2004 I was working in the Lebanese
Ministry of Energy and Water as IT and Energy Expert
inside a project from the European Union. In the frame
of this project I have had contacts with the Lebanese
Council for Development and Reconstruction (CDR) which
is coordinating all bigger projects in Lebanon. One of
these projects was the National Load Dispatch Centre,
which was also important for my mission in Beirut.
The strongest contacts I have had to the EdL -
Electricité du Liban - government own energy enterprise
- the Lebanese counterpart of the French Electricité de
France. The EdL is the nearly exclusive generation and
transmission enterprise, in the distribution sector they
have a share of any 85%. Considering this position, the
EdL is the key point in the Lebanese Energy Sector.
Additional contacts I have had with local consulting
enterprises, which where working in the energy sector in
the same time. These contacts are still active.